Kapcsolódó információk:
Paraméterezési útmutatók


  1. Install Firebird 3.0 server
    During the setup process, password must be "masterkey" for SYSDBA user

    1. via package manager

      1. Debian/Ubuntu
        # apt update
        # apt install firebird3.0-server

      2. Other Linux, see firebirdsql.org

    2. via docker
      Recommended the jacobalberty/firebird image from DockerHUB



  2. Create QSoft specific ini file in the same directory as firebird.conf 
    (e.g. in Debian 10: /etc/firebird/3.0/)

    1. # nano firebird-qsoft.conf

    2. Insert specific config lines (see below: QSoft specific firebird conf)

  3. Modify firebird.conf file
    insert into the first line: include $(this)/firebird-qsoft.conf

  4. Restart firebird

  5. Test connection 
    1. on the server: telnet localhost 3050   
    2. from remote client : telnet <server.ip> 3050

  6. Possible causes, if the connection is not working properly
    1. sysdba user password is not set up properly
      Use isql utillity to set correct password, see Firebird SQL documentation
    2. firewall exists on Linux server
      If required, modify firewall rules to allow communication 3050/TCP and 33050/TCP
    3. SUP slowly started
      like above, possible Firewall restriction
    4. In some distribution, access is restricted only to localhost by default
      in this case, comment the line "RemoteBindAddress = localhost" in firebird.conf

QSoft specific firebird conf

A telepítés után a firebird.conf file elejére be kell szúrni az alábbi sort. A QSoft által adott Windows telepítő készlet ezt már tartalmazza. Linuxos telepítés esetén kézzel kell beírni.

#include QSoft specific settings
include $(this)/firebird-qsoft.conf

A firebird.conf állománnyal azonos könyvtárban létre kell hozni a firebird-qsoft.conf állományt, a következő tartalommal.

#                                                                       #
#     --- QSoft Kft. firebird.conf recommended modification ---         #
#                                                                       #
# v1.2h.200207                                                          #
# (c) QSoft Kft. support@qsoft.hu                                       #
# Please include this file in the first line of stock firebird.conf file.
# Add this command to the first line "include firebird-qsoft.conf"
# In Windows OS QSoft installer automatically take this include
# Please keep in mind, these option overwritten same option in regular firebird.conf
# Detailed informaton avaiable: https://firebirdsql.org/en/firebird-rdbms/
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# The TCP Port Number to be used for server Event Notification
# messages.  The value of 0 (Zero) means that the server will choose
# a port number randomly.
# If betwen client and server have a friewall, please add this port to accept rule.
# (and 3050 too)
# If port allocation is dynamic, must create application based firewall rule.
# RemoteAuxPort = 0      # Default. Dinamic Event Notification port allocation
# RemoteAuxPort = 30501  # QSoft recommendation
RemoteAuxPort = 30501
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Controls the method Firebird engine uses to work with databases and
# related Firebird server startup parameters.
# The values are: Super | SuperClassic | Classic
# QSoft recommendation: ServerMode = SuperClassic
#ServerMode = Super  # Default.
ServerMode = SuperClassic
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Seconds to wait on a silent client connection before the server sends
# dummy packets to request acknowledgment.
# DummyPacketInterval = 0     # Default.
# DummyPacketInterval = 60    # QSoft recommendation
DummyPacketInterval = 60
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Should connection over the wire be encrypted?
# Has 3 different values: Required | Enabled | Disabled.
# WireCrypt = Enabled  # QSoft recommendation
#                      # and need for QSoft Excel Function
#WireCrypt = Required  # Default for server
WireCrypt = Enabled

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Legacy auth settings
# any application that uses older sign-in methods
# If You had a connection error, then
# please uncomment following lines
# and set the WireCrypt = Enabled
#AuthServer = Legacy_Auth, Srp, Win_Sspi
#AuthClient = Legacy_Auth, Srp, Win_Sspi
#UserManager = Legacy_UserManager, Srp

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Allows incoming connections to be bound to the IP address of a
# specific network card. It enables rejection of incoming connections
# through any other network interface except this one. By default,
# connections from any available network interface are allowed.
# If you are using Classic Server, this setting is for Windows only.
# Under Linux, BSD or Mac OS X, with Classic server use xinetd or launchd
# configuration file (bind parameter).
# Type: string
# RemoteBindAddress =


Other information

Server models

Choice of the server model is determined by settings for a new configuration parameter ServerMode,
defining the locking and cache modes. It is specified at global level in firebird.conf.

See in our documentation: Firebird szerver modellek 

or at firebirdsql.org:

Notes of the new version