The API interface associated with the DbConnector delivers some of the features of the app as an intranet web service.
The web service is available with XML-based REST API management.
Operations of REST API
- ...and more not translated operations.
The API is available at the following entry point. The server name depends on the environment of the local intranet.
The authentication data should be sent in the HTTP header at every API call.
Header parameters pkod:SajatSupPartnerKod
The data can be found in the company's SUP license datasheet.
- pkod - SUP partner code
- lickod - SUP licence code
Some API calls need more header parameter: cegkod:SupCegkod
Testing the API
The purpose of this call is to test the API's availability. This test can be done by any browser. For complex testing, use CURL.
Normally, we only test the existence of the API. This is almost the same method as the one called by the browser title bar.
CURL.EXE ^ -X GET ^ http://server/dbconnector/api/v1/test
You must also provide credentials for the full testing. In case of success, a version number is the answer.
CURL.EXE ^ -X POST ^ http://server:8080/dbconnector/api/v1/test ^ -H pkod:SajatSupPartnerKod ^ -H lickod:SajatSupLicKod
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <DbConnectorResponse> <Success>true</Success> <StatusCode>200</StatusCode> <Message>API build: 1.0.6536M (2018.08.09. 16:07:30)</Message> </DbConnectorResponse>
Every API call return a <DbConnectorResponse>
typed answer.
The <Success>
data - inform about the call was successed. true | false
A <StatusCode>
same as the http status code