Kapcsolódó információk:
Paraméterezési útmutatók

Összehasonlított verziók


  • Beillesztett sor.
  • Törölt sor.
  • Formázás megváltoztatva.


As the XML format can be prepared by programming, there is an option to prepare the invoices from an XLS sheet as well. However this provides rather simplier, more limited options vs. the XML import.



Skeleton of XML format

The invoice order uses the below XML format for instructing the invoicing process.


titleXML scheme
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Elojegyzett_Szamlak FileVersion="EJSZ_1.16" FileTimeStamp="2014.-01.-01." FileDestination="SUPKISZLA">


XML sectionMandatoryTypeLenghtDescription

Invoice printout language, ISO 639 coding applicable. Currently set languages:  'en', 'de', 'sk', 'it'.
In case of Hungarian leave blank, default setting: 'hu'.

Place of performance: B - Inland, U - EU, K - Outland
If not spedified: B - Inland
DevArfolyamNoNUM 18 +6Foreign currency exchange rate, mandatory only in case of invoices in foreign currency. (Maximum 18 characters + 6 decimals.)

Payment method, as per internal coding of the SUP system. e.g:

  0 – Cash
  4 – Wire transfer

TeljYesDATEéé.hh.nnDate of supply.
KeltYesDATEéé.hh.nnInvoice date.
HatinapYesNUM3Payment terms, „x” daysAs recorded in the partner stock, the term is "X" days relative to the invoice date or fulfillment date. If new partner is automatically opened, the invoice date will be default.
MegjegyzesNoC1500Comments section of the invoice. It appears between the header and the items sections on the printout of the invoice.
EngSzazYesNUM4 +1

Allowance given to the customer. The value in case of no allowance: 0 (zero).
(Maximum 4 characters +1 decimal.). Usage is not recommended, the allowance settings are preferred at item level.


XML sectionMandatoryTypeLenghtDescription
MennyisegYesNUM18+3Quantity. (Max. 18 character +3 decimals.)

Item price. (Max. 15 character +6 decimals.)
