The Finance/Invoicing modul of the SUP Integrated Accounting Software provides us with the opportunity to issue invoices based on a complete invoice order prepared by an other system. In this case the sender system should send the invoice order with using an XML data format. The invoice order package has to contain all necessary information. The invoice number will be generated by the SUP software during the invoice import process.
As the XML format can be prepared by programming, there is an option to prepare the invoices from an XLS sheet as well. However this provides rather simplier, more limited options vs. the XML import.
Skeleton of XML format
The invoice order uses the below XML format for instructing the invoicing process.
- The XML schema complete the following: shKiszlaImport.xsd
- Chart form (visually): XML Séma
- Sample XML file: Elojegyzett_szamlak.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Elojegyzett_Szamlak FileVersion="EJSZ_1.6" FileTimeStamp="2014-01-01" FileDestination="SUPKISZLA"> <CsomagInfo>...</CsomagInfo> <Szamlak>... <Szamla>... <Fejlec>... <TrackingKod>...</TrackingKod> <Vevo>...</Vevo> <EgyebInfo>...</EgyebInfo> <Gyujtok>...</Gyujtok> </Fejlec> <Tetelsorok>... <Tetelsor>... <Cikk>...</Cikk> <Menny>...</Menny> </Tetelsor> </Tetelsorok> <KontrollFizBruttoOssz>...</KontrollFizBruttoOssz> </Szamla> </Szamlak> </Elojegyzett_Szamlak>
At the preparation of the XML file please pay attention to the characters not supported by the XML format. e.g. '&' character has to be replaced by '#38';
In the next pages the detailed description of the XML sections will be introduced:
Content description
XML section | Mandatory | Description |
CsomagInfo | Yes | Description of the package. |
Szamlak | Yes | Description of the invoices. |
Szamla | Yes | Description of the invoice. |
Fejlec | Yes | Header data of the invoice. |
TrackingKod | Yes | Identification, serves follow-up purposes. Will be entered in the comments section of the invoice. |
Vevo | Yes | Customer data. |
EgyebInfo | Yes | Other information belongs to the invoice. |
KontrollFizBruttoOssz | Yes | Control amount. Total of the gross amounts of the invoiced items. |
Tetelsorok | Yes | Item details. |
Tetelsor | Yes | Item details. |
Cikk | Yes | Item definition. |
Menny | Yes | Item quantity details. |
<CsomagInfo> data group
The <CsomagInfo> XML section describes all the information relevant for the entire invoice order package.
Content description
XML section | Mandatory | Type | Length | Description |
Devnem | No | C | 3 | 3 digits long -code of the invoice package currency, ISO code. Separate packages have to be prepared per currency. In case of HUF the field must be blank. |
FKNaplo | Yes | C | 3 | Invoicing journal number identified in the SUP® system |
<Szamlak> data group
A <Szamlak> XML section describes the content of the invoices to be issued. An invoice order consists of attributes, header and items.
<Szamlak> invoice attributes
The SUP system sends information to the sender party through the invoice attributes about the succesful completion of the invoicing, while the sender also receives the number of the invoice issued, which can be matched to the tracking code in the sender system.
Attribute | Type | Description |
AtvetelStatus | Boolean | In case of successful completion of the invoicing: True |
AtvetelTimeStamp | TimeStamp | In case of successful completion of the invoicing: Issue date |
AtvetelSzlasz | Char | In case of successful completion of the invoicing: Invoice number. |
<Fejléc> "Header" data group
The invoice header data fields should go to the <Fejlec> data group.
Content description
XML section | Mandatory | Type | Leght | Description |
TrackingKod | Yes | C | 40 | ID code generated by the sender system, which serves for follow-up of the invoices created. It is stored together with the prepared invoice in SUP system. It appears on the printout as well, in the comments sections of the invoice. e.g.: in case of importing from an ordering system the PO number should be stored here; in case of a service register software the service ticket number should be stored here. |
After the import has been completed the <Szamla AtvetelStatus=, AtvetelSzlasz=, AtvetelTimeStamp= > attributes of the XML file will be updated, in this way the sender will receive confirmation about the succesful completion of the process.
Content description - <Vevo>...</Vevo>
XML section | Mandatory | Type | Leght | Description |
VevoKod | Yes | C | 11 | Customer code, in sync with the customer master datas of the SUP system. In case of a new customer the „ system parameters ” setup offers two options: 1) error message 2) automatically pick up and copy the new customer to the SUP customer master database. |
VevoMegnev | Yes | C | 80 | Name of the customer. |
VevoIrsz | Yes | C | 5 | Zip code. |
VevoVaros | Yes | C | 30 | City. |
VevoUtca | Yes | C | 40 | Street. |
VevoEmail | No | C | 40 | Email address. |
VevoAdoszam | No | C | 15 | Domestic tax ID, without hyphens. |
VevoEuAdosz | No | C | 2 | EU tax ID first two digits (country code). ISO 3166-1 standard must be applied for country codes. Applicable only at EU customers. |
Content description - <EgyebInfo>...</EgyebInfo>
XML section | Mandatory | Type | Lenght | Description |
NyelvKod | No | C | 2 | Invoice printout language, ISO 639 coding applicable. Currently set languages: 'en', 'de', 'sk', 'it'. |
DevTeljhely | No | C | 1 | Place of performance: B - Inland, U - EU, K - Outland If not spedified: B - Inland |
DevArfolyam | No | NUM | 18 +6 | Foreign currency exchange rate, mandatory only in case of invoices in foreign currency. (Maximum 18 characters + 6 decimals.) |
Fizmod | Yes | NUM | 1 | Payment method, as per internal coding of the SUP system. e.g: 0 – Cash |
Telj | Yes | DATE | éé.hh.nn | Date of supply. |
Kelt | Yes | DATE | éé.hh.nn | Invoice date. |
Hatinap | Yes | NUM | 3 | As recorded in the partner stock, the term is "X" days relative to the invoice date or fulfillment date. If new partner is automatically opened, the invoice date will be default. |
Megjegyzes | No | C | 1500 | Comments section of the invoice. It appears between the header and the items sections on the printout of the invoice. |
EngSzaz | Yes | NUM | 4 +1 | Allowance given to the customer. The value in case of no allowance: 0 (zero). |
<Tetelsorok> "items" data group
Content description - <Cikk>...</Cikk> „Material” data group
XML section | Mandatory | Type | Lenght | Description |
CikkSzam | Yes | C | 13 | Material number, as per material master of the SUP system. |
CikkMegnevMagyar | Yes | C | 50 | Name of the material. |
MennyEgys | Yes | C | 5 | Unit of measure. for example.: pc. If blank, the import will use the UoM set in the material master of the SUP system. |
AFAszazn | Yes | NUM | 2 | VAT rate (calculated from the net amount). |
SzjVtszKod | Yes | C | 15 | Material code as per hungarian statistical classification. |
Content description - <Menny>...</Menny> „quantity” data group
XML section | Mandatory | Type | Lenght | Description |
Mennyiseg | Yes | NUM | 18+3 | Quantity. (Max. 18 character +3 decimals.) |
NegysAr | Yes | NUM | 15+6 | Item price. (Max. 15 character +6 decimals.) |